Robert Pattinson Slams 'Twilight': 'Its A Weird Story'

Publish date: 2024-04-25
Robert Pattinson Slams Twilight


It looks like Robert Pattinson is back to having mixed feelings about Twilight, despite expressing his “warm memories” from the films back in April. The 33-year-old recently sat down with superstar Jennifer Lopez for Variety’s “Actors on Actors” series and revealed his true feelings about the film series that jumpstarted his career. It turns out, he found the whole experience rather strange.

“I mean it’s a weird story, Twilight,” he said. “It’s strange how people responded. I guess the books, they are very romantic, but at the same time, it’s not like The Notebook romantic. Twilight is about this guy who finds the one girl he wants to be with, and also wants to eat her. Well, not eat — drink her blood or whatever. I thought it was a strange story. Even the way I promoted it, I was very open about how strange I thought it was when I was doing it.”

Why did he agree to the role of Edward Cullen? According to the actor, when he first took on the role as the vampire, the movie wasn’t expected to become a huge blockbuster.

“I mean with Twilight, it wasn’t really an established thing,” he revealed. “To me, Catherine Hardwicke, who directed it, had done Thirteen and Lords of Dogtown. They were little movies, and they were kind of hardcore. Kristen [Stewart] was in stuff as well; she’d been in Into the Wild and some other things. And it was very indie.”

Robert also said that his Twilight experience didn’t force him to go for roles in smaller films. When it comes to auditioning for movies, he does what he wants to do.

“Then afterward, I didn’t make a conscious decision at all to do smaller things,” he told Jennifer. “I’ve just kept doing what I wanted to do in the first place.”

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