Who Is Andrea Ivanova Instagram Model Who Has The World's Biggest Lips

Publish date: 2024-04-21

An Bulgaria-based woman and Instagram model, Andrea Ivanova, who’s well known world-wide for having the world’s biggest lips, has once again become the talk of the town

Ivanova is making headlines after she revealed that she is planning to do some work done for her face however, not for her lips but for her chin.

Who Is Andrea Ivanova Bulgarian Instagram Model Who Has The World’s Biggest Lips

Andrea Ivanova is a 25 years old Bulgarian woman who claims to have the world’s biggest lips

She has spent $9,000 on 32 different procedures, now she want to work on her chin to chase the title of “most elongated and pointed chin in the world.”

Her lips won’t lie though 😂😂 pic.twitter.com/aIQvL1dQzX

— St.Gabriel Dunsworth 🤌🏻🪡📂 (@DunswortGabriel) November 10, 2022

For those who are unversed let us tell you, the woman has done over 30 procedures over the last couple of years. To change her appearance and to look like a Bratz doll, Andrea has spent around $9,000.

Who’s Andrea Ivanova?

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Andrea Ivanova, let us tell you, the Bulgarian woman is known as the world’s biggest lips woman.


Back in 2018, the 25-year-old took to her Instagram to disclose her body modification Journey. The Bulgarian native revealed that she started off with chin and jaw filler just to celebrate her birthday.

The social media influencer further went on to say that after having the title of world’s biggest lips, now she wanted to have the title of “most elongated and pointed chin in the world.”

Andrea further added that, “I love my lips and I want that new record.” For her dream of having the title, the girl had to get Hyaluronic acid injections every two weeks, which cost at around $285 per injection.

Let us remind you not to follow in her footsteps as doctors have warned her and have revealed that by doing so Ivanova is putting her life in danger.

Doctors had warned her that she might be putting her life at risk if she goes to take the next injection as they could be “fatal.”


Her big lips reportedly had already made her daily life a bit difficult as she is having difficulty in eating.

In an earlier interview, a plastic prodigy revealed about her enlarged lips that, “Many men from all over the world write to me on my social media networks offering me money, trips, and inviting me to meetings all the time.”

For those who want to connect to the social media personality, let us tell you, Andrea is quite an active social media user. Presently she has over 24k followers on Instagram.

Her account, which has around 1934 posts, goes with the name @andrea88476.


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