Every word Kim Kardashian has said for leaking edited Taylor Swift phone call drama Thu 7

Publish date: 2024-05-01

Taylor Swift has been named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in 2023. The songstress talked through pivotal moments in her career during an interview with the publication. Taylor talked of “hyenas” and “snakes” she encountered along the way, as well as a scandal involving Kim Kardashian – something that she still hasn’t received an apology for, reportedly.

In 2006, Taylor Swift released her first studio album. Seventeen years later, the singer-songwriter has racked up an estimated net worth of 1.1 billion. She has thousands of fans screaming her name at every concert. After starting out aspiring to become a country music artist, Taylor’s success now sees her as a musician who covers multiple genres and is recognized as a cultural icon of the 21st Century.

Taylor Swift ‘didn’t get apology’ from Kim Kardashian

On December 6, Taylor Swift was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year 2023.

Speaking to the magazine, Taylor describes how a scandal involving Kim Kardashian and Kanye West resulted in the “death” of her career years earlier.

Before releasing his 2016 song, Famous, former spouses Kanye and Kim said that the rapper had received consent from Taylor to include lyrics about her.

To support claims Taylor had consented to the inclusion of the lyrics, Kim released a video of Kanye on the phone with the Blank Space singer. The video clips suggest Taylor was in agreement with the lyrics being included on Famous. But, she claims the footage was edited in Kanye’s favour.

Time Magazine writes: “The scandal was tabloid catnip; it made Swift look like a snake, which is what people called her.”

Taylor told the publication: “Make no mistake—my career was taken away from me.”

Kim Kardashian’s response to the scandal

In response to the scandal, Kim suggested Taylor was “lying” about the call being edited.

In March 2020, she tweeted via X (Twitter): “Taylor Swift has chosen to reignite an old exchange – that at this point in time feels very self-serving given the suffering millions of real victims are facing right now.”

She also said the call wouldn’t have been made public had she not been “forced” to “defend” her then-husband.

The mom-of-four added: “Kanye has documented the making of all of his albums for his personal archive, however has never released any of it for public consumption & the call between the two of them would have remained private or would have gone in the trash had she not lied & forced me to defend him.”

Kim also clarified on Twitter what her issue with the “situation” was: “To be clear, the only issue I ever had around the situation was that Taylor lied through her publicist who stated that “Kanye never called to ask for permission…” They clearly spoke so I let you all see that. Nobody ever denied the word “b***h” was used without her permission.”

A 2016 report from Entertainment Weekly reads: “Kanye did not call for approval, but to ask Taylor to release his single ‘Famous’ on her Twitter account. She declined and cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message. Taylor was never made aware of the actual lyric, ‘I made that b***h famous.”

Kim also defended herself against claims she had edited the phone call videos, tweeting: “The lie was never about the word b***h, It was always whether there was a call or not and the tone of the conversation. I never edited the footage (another lie) — I only posted a few clips on Snapchat to make my point and the full video that recently leaked doesn’t change the narrative.”

A full transcript of all 10 tweets Kim published at the time can be seen via a 2020 LA Times report.

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Taylor was ‘taken down psychologically’

Reflecting on the aftermath of the scandal, Taylor told Time she was taken “down psychologically to a place I’ve never been before.”

She added she “moved to a foreign country, didn’t leave a rental house for a year, and was afraid to get on phone calls.”

Taylor said: “You have a fully manufactured frame job, in an illegally recorded phone call, which Kim Kardashian edited and then put out to say to everyone that I was a liar.”

The singer said that she “…pushed away most people in my life because I didn’t trust anyone anymore. I went down really, really hard.”

A new report from TMZ exclusively states that Taylor still hasn’t received an apology from Kim. It reads: “Our sources say the two women have no relationship.”
