How Much Does an Onyx Collection Shower Cost?

Publish date: 2024-04-08


If you’re in the market for a new shower, you might have come across the Onyx Collection. These shower systems are known for their durability, versatility, and attractive aesthetic. But, as with any home improvement project, you’re probably wondering how much an Onyx Collection shower will cost. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Onyx Collection showers and explore the factors that influence their price.

What is the Onyx Collection?

The Onyx Collection is a line of shower systems that are made from a durable, non-porous material. This material is similar to quartz or granite and is known for its resistance to scratches and stains. Onyx Collection showers are customizable and can be made to fit into any space. They also come in a variety of colors and textures, which allows homeowners to create a shower that perfectly matches their aesthetic.

Factors that Affect the Price of an Onyx Collection Shower

The cost of an Onyx Collection shower can vary depending on a number of factors. Here are a few things to consider when budgeting for your new shower:

Size and Configuration

The larger your shower, the more materials will be required to build it. Likewise, if you choose a complicated shower configuration with multiple angles and corners, your overall cost may be higher.

Installation Method

The installation method you choose can also impact the price of your new shower. If you hire a professional to install your shower, this will add to the cost. On the other hand, if you opt for a DIY installation, you can save money on labor costs.


The Onyx Collection allows for a lot of customization, from the color and texture of the shower base to the layout of the walls and accessories. The more elements you add to your shower, the higher the price will be.

How Much Do Onyx Collection Showers Cost?

So, now that we’ve explored some of the factors that affect the price of an Onyx Collection shower, let’s dive into some specific price ranges. Keep in mind that these prices can vary depending on your location, customization choices, and other factors.

Basic Shower Kits

If you opt for a basic, standard size shower kit, you can expect to pay anywhere from $900 to $1,500. These kits typically include the shower base, walls, and accessories like soap dishes and shelves. You may need to purchase a separate shower door or enclosure depending on your configuration.

Custom Showers

If you want to go all out with your shower design, you can create a completely custom Onyx Collection shower. Depending on the size and complexity of your design, you could be looking at a price tag of $3,000 or more. However, keep in mind that this price includes all of the materials required for your shower, as well as any installation fees.

Retrofit Showers

If you’re simply looking to upgrade your current shower without completely ripping it out, you can opt for a retrofit shower. These are designed to fit over your existing shower base and walls, providing a quick and easy upgrade. Retrofit showers can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $2,500, depending on the size and customization options.


What is the warranty on an Onyx Collection shower?

Onyx Collection offers a lifetime warranty on all of its shower products, which covers defects in materials and workmanship.

Can I install an Onyx Collection shower myself?

Yes, Onyx Collection showers can be installed by homeowners with basic DIY skills. However, if you’re not confident in your abilities, it’s always best to hire a professional.

What colors are available for Onyx Collection showers?

Onyx Collection offers a wide range of colors for its showers, including traditional neutrals like white and beige, as well as bolder options like red, blue, and green.

Can I customize the shape of my Onyx Collection shower?

Yes, Onyx Collection showers can be customized to fit any space. This includes irregular shapes or configurations with multiple angles and corners.

What kind of maintenance do Onyx Collection showers require?

Onyx Collection showers are very low-maintenance and require only mild cleaners and occasional resealing over time.

How long does it take to install an Onyx Collection shower?

The installation time for an Onyx Collection shower can vary depending on the size and complexity of the design. However, most installations can be completed in a few days.

Is Onyx Collection a sustainable choice for a shower system?

Yes, Onyx Collection is a sustainable option for a shower system. Its material is non-porous and easy to clean, reducing the need for harsh chemical cleaners. Plus, Onyx Collection showers are made in the USA, reducing the carbon footprint associated with shipping from overseas.

Can I add accessories to my Onyx Collection shower?

Yes, Onyx Collection showers can be accessorized with things like soap dishes, shelves, and towel bars. These accessories can be added at the time of installation or afterward.

How long can I expect my Onyx Collection shower to last?

Onyx Collection showers are built to last for decades with proper care and maintenance. Most come with a lifetime warranty, which guarantees their durability and longevity.

Are Onyx Collection showers expensive compared to other shower systems?

Onyx Collection showers are competitively priced compared to other high-quality shower systems. While they may be more expensive than some lower-quality options, their durability and customization options make them a great long-term investment.

How do I clean and maintain my Onyx Collection shower?

Onyx Collection showers require very little maintenance beyond regular cleaning with mild cleaners and occasional resealing. You can use a soft cloth and a non-abrasive cleaner to wipe down the shower walls and other surfaces.

Can I install an Onyx Collection shower on my own, or do I need to hire a professional?

Onyx Collection showers can be installed by homeowners with basic DIY skills, but it’s always best to hire a professional if you’re not confident in your abilities. This will ensure that your shower is installed properly and will last for years to come.

Does Onyx Collection offer any financing options for its shower systems?

Yes, Onyx Collection partners with a number of financing companies to offer convenient payment plans to homeowners. Contact the company directly for more information.

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