The Real Reason Katharine Hepburn Hated Nudity

Publish date: 2024-03-15

In 2012, as reported by The New York Times, "Hollywood pimp to the stars" Scotty Bowers wrote a tell-all memoir, "Full Service." Among the many claims Bowers made was that both Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy had come to him and asked him to introduce them to women (Hepburn) and men (Tracey) for dates and that he had set up Hepburn with over 150 women over the years. In the 2006 biography "The Woman Who Was Katharine Hepburn," reviewed in The Telegraph, writer William J. Mann claimed that Hepburn started dating women in college but never referred to herself as a lesbian, perhaps because she considered the term to describe a more butch woman than herself. 

Mann also claims that Hepburn wasn't particularly interested in sex in general, quoting a college friend who claimed "She tried [sex] once and just didn't like it." Furthermore, she apparently disliked nudity, so much so that if she was watching a movie that contained a nude scene, she'd angrily exit the theater. So was Katharine Hepburn a happy bisexual libertine who had countless relationships with both men and women, or a sex-hating woman who couldn't even stand to see cinematic nudity? Per The Telegraph, she once said of reporters' attempts to reveal her personal life "You'll never get it right! No one ever does!" That doesn't stop people from continually trying, even after all this time, but at this point, it's hard to imagine that we'll ever really know the entire truth about Katharine Hepburn. 
